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Stories | Insights | Mantle Space 25/07/2022

A Day in the Life of a Centre Manager

Kc Staff Sarah

06:00 My alarm goes off I stumble from my slumber and drink coffee before getting ready for work.

07:00 I check my emails and notice one from a Kings Court member regarding the air conditioning. I reply back.

07:15 I leave the house; I drop my daughter at school and battle the traffic on the A1.

08:00 Hubby works not far from me, so I drop him off on the way. Car sharing & saving fuel is the way to go especially at the moment!

08:05 I arrive at work with high expectations of a smooth day ahead. I notice an injured bird in the entrance doorway, poor thing looks like it has knocked itself out. I call the Animal Welfare for advice. Duly noted, I put the bird in a small box and monitor its progress.

I head off to re-set the temperature on the air-con unit as the building is heating up and so are the members tempers! I sit down to start the planned training session for the new booking & invoicing system at which is being implemented across Mantle.

I climb a ladder to check the air-con again as the members are now complaining it’s too cold.

I check on the bird.

12:00 I cover reception whilst the team take a lunch break.

13:00 I heat up my lunch and find a quiet spot in the sun to enjoy some chill time with my wonderful Centre Assistant; Charlotte. We don’t get time to take lunch together, but today, because of training, Candy, our Centre Support Assistant, has joined us today and supporting the team on reception.

14:00 Check the air-con again, it looks like it is now not working at all so I call the heating systems engineers. Fingers crossed they will attend ASAP.

I check on the injured bird, sadly he didn’t make it. RIP Bird.

14:30 Continue with the training. I find it enjoyable to learn new skills and it’s important that we keep up to date with the new systems implemented.

15:00 Receive a call from another Mantle member on the 4th floor, seems he has unwanted honey bee visitors. I go to check. I collect as many as possible with plastic cups, release into the wild and call pest control for advice.

15:30 Tour booked for office space. Sadly, the client did not arrive so I return to collect more bees, dispose of the bird and continue with training!

16:50 The 3.30pm tour client arrived so I showed them the office space which we have available.

17:10 Tour completed, I race out the door to collect hubby and daughter before heading home to sit in the sunshine with a lovely chilled refreshment or two!

19:00 After dinner, I spend the evening watching tv and processing the day’s highlights. I think it will be an early night tonight!

21:30 I’m in bed, because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

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